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    Not sure what types of snacks to eat to support your reproductive health?

    Stop googling and buy this two-page PDF with 28 different snack ideas to support your female hormones and reproductive health.

    *IMPORTANT NOTE: This PDF supports an omnivore diet – a person that eats both plant and animal foods. This is not recommended if you are a vegan/vegetarian.

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    Have you been interested in making nutritional changes in your life, but have been having a hard time holding yourself accountable? Or maybe have no clue where to start?

    This starter pack is for you! It includes:

    • 14-Day meal plan (with recipes and grocery list)
    • Fertility snacks (28 ideas)
    • Fertility plate
    • Meal timing tips

    If you feel you need more individual guidance on your nutrition and other lifestyle factors including stress management, quality sleep management and more, click here to learn more about my other services.

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    Have you ever been taught that one pillar in balancing your hormones is to eat a balanced diet? But, what is a balanced diet? What does a balanced plate look like?

    This PDF includes a graphand an image of an ideal balanced plate. It displays the portion size of each major food group and which nutrients you should include in each meal. It is meant to serve as a guide when eating home-cooked meals or takeout.

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    About half of the time, miscarriages occur from chromosome abnormalities – either extra or missing ones. This is completely out of our control and is not inherited by the parents or a result of lifestyle factors.

    In other cases, research has shown miscarriages to be from:

    • Hormonal imbalances
    • Infections
    • Poorly controlled medical conditions such as diabetes
    • Thyroid disease
    • Uterine or cervix issues
    • And more

    With that said, there are things we can do to help decrease our odds of the chances that are in our control, such as proper preconception preparation.

    This PDF provides a short descriptive list of which actionable tasks you should consider during your fertility journey. It is recommended to work with an expert for any individual guidance.

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    Do you feel like you have low energy? Or, do you feel like you have energy, but are unsure how to maintain it?

    This experiment is for you.

    From a nutritional perspective, it’s important to understand the foods that give us more energy, and the foods that give us less energy. This 4-day experiment is easy to complete and will give you a better understanding to the foods in which your body responds best.

    *IMPORTANT NOTE: this experiment is not for vegans or vegetarians. It is largely focused on the different types of protein that provides energy and you must be able to eat animal proteins to successfully complete this experiment.

  • Meal Plans


    Looking for a little more guidance on what your daily eating habits should be while trying to conceive? A meal plan is just for you!

    I offer both 7-day and 14-day meal plan options. All meal plans include:

    • High energy ingredients
    • Plant based
    • Animal proteins
    • Breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks
    • Full recipes
    • Grocery List
    • Family-friendly
    • Hormone balancing friendly

    Looking for more guidance in nutrition? Our Nutrition Starter Pack may be just for you!


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